Why Microchip Your Pet

Losing your pet can be a traumatic and even tragic event. Conscientious pet guardians protect their pets with collars and ID tags. Unfortunately, collars and ID tags are not foolproof and dogs and cats can still get lost. Collars can break or fall off, leaving your beloved pet among the countless, unidentified lost strays at animal shelters. The true tragedy is the fact that it can easily be prevented with the use of microchips.

What are microchips?

Microchips are implantable computer chips that encode a unique identification number to help reunite you with your lost pet. They are no bigger than a grain of rice and they are placed under your pet’s skin with a needle and syringe, not much differently than a routine vaccine. Unlike collars and ID tags, they can never break or fall off. They work by receiving a radio signal from a scanner and transmitting the encoded chip identification number back to the scanner. With the chip identification number in hand, the vital contact information is only a phone call away. Considering how easy it is to microchip your dog or cat, there is no excuse to not do so.

Studies support the importance of microchipping

A 2009 study by Linda Lord, DVM, PhD from the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine supports what veterinarians and animal shelters have known all along: dogs and cats with microchips are more likely to be returned to their owners than pets without. According to Science Daily, the study reported that cats with microchips were 20 times more likely to be returned home than cats without, while dogs with microchips were 2.5 times more likely to be returned home than those without. The results of this study underscore the importance of microchips.

The undeniable fact remains that microchips have reunited hundreds of pets with their guardians. Of course, in order for a microchip to work, you will need to register the microchip and keep your contact information up-to-date. Microchips are reliable and use nationwide registries, but they ultimately depend on the information that you give. So remember to update your information and provide multiple emergency contacts in case your pet gets lost while you are out of town. Hopefully your pet will never get lost, but in case it happens, by making sure your pet has a microchip, you are giving yourself and your pet the best chance of a speedy, happy reunion.

If you have any questions or concerns, visit or call your veterinarian—they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.

Microchipping of Animals FAQs

Pet Posse provides Home Again microchip kits for a $12 donation—ask us about it!

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